Don’t Let Spring Weather Wreck Your Party

Once spring rolls around, we’re itching to throw a party and welcome in the warm weather. Of course, while planning a springtime party (especially in the early months), the weather can be quite a hassle. While May and June are consistently warm and sunny, it’s slow going with March and April. During the first weeks of spring, the weather is especially volatile, and party hosts can expect anything from strong sunshine to downpours and chilly breezes. If you’ve got a party coming up in the next few months, prepare yourself for any kind of weather by making sure you have flexible options at hand.

Protective Tent

A tent rental in Newtown is your first line of protection against any kind of spring weather that Mother Nature throws your way. Without a covering, guests at your outdoor party are vulnerable to the elements. Fair-skinned guests will have to retreat underneath the awning of your house on a sunny afternoon. And if rain is expected, you might as well call the whole thing off. However, a tent with a sturdy covering will protect you and your guests (not to mention food and A/V equipment) from every variation of spring weather.


So: You’re all set with your tent rental in Huntington Valley. A downpour shows up as predicted, and thanks to your foresight, no one ruins their hair or jacket. Not so fast, however—did you remember your flooring? During periods of damp spring weather, rain that seeps into the ground will dampen the dirt and cause your guests to wobble around on squishy, muddy shoes. Make sure you have back-up flooring planks on hand

Spring Colors

No matter the climate, there’s one non-negotiable here: Keep your color scheme bright and colorful. On sunny days, rich spring colors will pop, lifting everyone’s mood to properly celebratory heights. And on gloomy ones, bright hues will remind everyone that summer weather isn’t so far away.

Climate Control

This is the most self-explanatory item on your party planning list. Keep your guests comfortable by accounting for either extreme of spring weather. Rent a few tall fans to create a cross-breeze that cools down guests on warm days, and have a heater with propane on hand for when temperature dip into the fifties.

Learn more about planning the perfect party at